Monday, February 9, 2015


"In school they teach you how to multiply 9x8, make you read Macbeth and have you memorize the first 10 amendments of the constitution but they don't teach you how to stop loving someone when they've stopped loving you or how to deal with losing a friend to an unsaid goodbye or to a relative that has cancer that ate their brain away. At home i learned from my father that alcohol can make as many problems as it solves. But damn does it feel good to let my throat burn instead of my heart and to tune out problems in my head that i couldn't solve. Because life isn't 9x8 and it isn't the way authors describe their characters in a story, its those nights you lay awake missing someone wishing things could be different and it's the next day when you realise they can't and then it's how you pick yourself up after being down for so long. I taught myself that". 

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