Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Self Introduction

First impressions make significant impacts. I am going to write 10 things about myself and it only seems fair that you get to know your blog superstar. 

              This is what i look like^

1. My full name is Ahmad Azhary bin        Azhar. I have a couple of nicknames. My family and friends refer me as Ary or Azhary. My best friend calls me kentut, monkey and basket. And a majority of people have a hard time pronoucing me name. 

2. I was born on the 5th of February 1997. Exact time would be at 6:53pm in SJMC. Took my mom 14 hours to push me out. I am a mere 172cm and i am full malay even though the way i look/act doesn't show it. I come from an Indonesian descent. I've been mistaken for Chinese, Indonesian, Philippines, Thai and British.  

3. Currently, i reside with my mother and 2 brothers. I am the oldest among my siblings. My parents are divorced but I still see my dad on weekends. 

4. The social media i have left is my instagram, facebook and though i hardly use FB. Only reason i do keep it is to check on birthdays (i am sorry). Mostly
i am on Instagram and if you want to ask me stuff - go to my ask.

5. I get sick very easily. Usually i end up with high fever when i'm too stressed or when i participate in outdoor/extreme activities. The only jungle i can survive is the concrete jungle. I am NOT an outdoor person. I've been in the hospital at least thrice a year. 

6. I am a lover of all arts and fine things in life. I love reading, writing and binge watch movies/TV series. My favourite authors are Mitch Albom and Ellen Hopkins. I keep up with a lot of TV shows like Reign, The Originals, Glee, OITNB, Jane The Virgin to name a few. My all time favourite movies are Ferris Buellers Day Off, About Time, A Walk To Remember and Grease. I am a sucker for old music and movies as well. You can say i love to spend lavishly on fine dining and expensive clothes but the money i splurge is the money i saved up from my allowance. 

7. I am quick witted and sassy. I come
up with a lot of punch lines and most of the time i win in an argument. I'm not exactly shy but i'm not exactly outspoken, i am somewhere along the line. I love making new friends. I have horrible mood swings and i tend to be very emotional, (fact: i am very sensitive though i hate to admit it), i have a massive ego and i don't lower it just for anyone, if i do you must be pretty darn special. I make innocent things sound disgusting and perverted. I cuss like a sailor and i love to tease. When i'm close to someone, i tend to be clingy and annoying but my best friends do put up with me being needy (shoutout to Ammar, Nikki, Michelle and Sabrina). I can't swim and i HATE durian. 

8. I've only had 2 official relationships. I have entered the world of dating since i was 10. My first relationship lasted 2 years. My second one was almost 6 years though we have the on and off again situation. The rest are merely innocent courtships and flings. I've only truly been in love with one girl and i don't fall very easy. I am the dumper but i have been dumped twice. 

9. I am independent. Most of the time when i want to do something or go somewhere i don't depend on my parents. I like doing things at my own pace and i hate waiting. I am very determined and goal oriented. I am not very confident but i'm not afraid of speaking in public or go for interviews (fact: i passed my prefect interview when i was 13, i was selected for an exchange student program when i was 16 and i was the 5 from my state and i was also the school emcee for 2 years). I wouldn't say i'm intellectually gifted but i strive in language and reading subjects like English, History, Religion, Geography etc. I am not a gamer or am i into sports. The only game i play is the Sims. As for fitness, i like jogging and cardio work. My favourite sport is volleyball and i was in the school team in 2012. 

10. I love musicals, broadway, concerts and theater even though i can't sing or dance or act. I've been to a couple of musicals and it was pretty amazing. (fact: i've always wanted to be a dancer). The first concert i went to was Akon with my mom and my god mother. That's where my love for concerts begun. 

11. My passion for writing begun when i was 16 by watching The Carrie Diaries. I am an aspiring writer and i've had 2 of my articles published. One for a local newspaper and another in my school

That's 10 facts plus a bonus about me. What are 10 facts about you?

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