Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Beginning Of An Ending

"Everyday is a gift but when we have to be afraid that our time will be over soon, this saying gets a completely new meaning. We have to enjoy the time we've got left, even if we know that the people we love will probably not be with us forever. Suddenly, every second counts and time is running out. 

How do you explain to the person you love that all hopes have been shattered and that you return empty handed? What remains is to enjoy every moment we've got together and to show how much we love each other before its too late. 

Everything starts and everything ends. Even if we want to close our eyes to our past and to think that we can start over our new film at a moments notice, our past is still a part of us and has a part in making us the person we are now; in deciding why some things are important to us and not to others. Only once we've put something behind us and able to look back at it with ease, we are able to turn over a new leaf and meet new challenges with all our strength" and thats when you realise, its the beginning of an ending.